Wednesday, February 2, 2011


想要成为一位出色的舞者? 在舞台上散发魅力?而且想在最短期内达成梦想?
-年龄16 - 30
-有耐力( 不可三分钟热度)

还等什么??! 现在就来报名吧!~
报名费(新人) RM15
学费为每堂课一次计算RM 20 (一小时半)

*训练没有分先后, 想几时加入都可以。。
*其他普通班及unlimited class与这个速成班没相连,所以学费不可参在一次计算。。
*每次上课的时候就要付费, 一堂付一次,不可拖延

时间/ 地点
每逢 星期三 7点 - 八点半 (ipoh garden east HQ)
8/2/2011 正式开始!!

成为D'one 的舞者后:
1: 可以和我们一起参与其他表演活动( 另外也会付回表演费给你)
2: 学院会帮你组队出外参加比赛以得取经验
3: 可以直接跳过学生考试,拿取舞蹈者的考试阶层
4: 帮助一些著名歌手或本地歌手做backup 舞蹈员
5: 如果进步得快,想拿取舞蹈老师的考试阶层都可以。。直接成为d'one dance studio 与 d'one dance academy 的舞蹈老师, 也可以进fitness embassy 教班。。拿取那边免费的设备。


Would you like to be a professional dancer, showing off your styles on stage? Perhaps thinking of achieving it in a short period of time? Here's your chance!

Here's some latest news for those girls interested! We will be training you up to a skillful professional dancer in a short period of time!

The requirements are:
16 - 30
-has her own transportation
-has patience and determination (doesn't give up half way)
-flexible in our schedules

What are you waiting for? Register now!
Registration fee (newbies) RM15
Every class RM 20 (1 1/2 hours)
*There's no expiry date for the training! Just join us whenever you want.
*There is no connection between this training class and the normal classes/unlimited classes, therefore the fees are to be paid separately.
*Payments should be paid after every class. Installments or late payments are not entertained.

Every Wednesdays 7pm - 8.30pm (ipoh garden east HQ)
Starting from 8/2/2011!!

After being one of us dancers,
1: You can join us in any performances( you will be paid accordingly to the performances)
2: You and your group will be enrolled into competitions to gain experience.
3: You are qualified as a dancer without going through the student level's exam.
4: You can get to be a backup dancer for local artists, or even those overseas!
5: You can even reach for higher goals, being an instructor in the studio or even Fitness Embassy after taking a small test. You will be entitled to use their facilities any time.

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